Friday, March 21, 2014

March Madness

It's fascinating to me what happens each seems many, all of a sudden, become college basketball fans.  We all have our NCAA tournament brackets filled out and begin following all of the games on ESPN, FOX, and other sports networks.  Why is that?  What is the allure?  Are we simply a society that thrives on something new to gamble on with a chance to win money or is it just for the fun of the competition and to see how well we can do or are we so competitive and obsessed with winning and winners. 

There is something very pure about college athletics.  The perception exists that because the athletes are not paid that they are truly playing their hearts out for the love of the game and for pride in their respective universities. 

Nonetheless it is fun and exciting.  There are many surveys out there claiming that worker productivity goes down significantly during this time...its March Madness, call it spring fever, or whatever you like.  It's a unique and fascinating time of the year for sports fans and non-sports fan's alike - filled with hope and disappointment. 

Ok, gotta go and check my brackets now.

Andrew Ament, Realtor, Certified Residential Appraiser (coming soon!)


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