Tuesday, June 17, 2014

FIFA World Cup Soccer Experience

Yesterday, on my birthday, I watched the US vs Ghana World Cup soccer match from beginning to end.  This is significant and noteworthy in this sports fans existence as it marks the first time I have ever watched a complete outdoor soccer match.  I, like many in the US, don't follow soccer very closely, except for, perhaps, every four years for the World Cup.  I too, am part of a growing population in our country that is following the World Cup.  I don't recall ever following it very closely in years past.  But, I am a sports fan, and I am a patriotic American, so I watched.  I met up with two friends of mine, both of which are much bigger soccer fans that I am and understand the game much better, both having played the sport.  I played soccer in grade school for a couple years, in 5th and 6th grade, but lost interest for some reason. 

My father in particular, having been born in Europe and not having moved to the US until he was 14 years old, follows and enjoys soccer more than I do.  That is the only sport that kids played where he grew up.  They did not have baseball, basketball, or our American football.  It's rather interesting to me though...my father has always been a big football fan and we spent most Sundays in the fall watching the Cleveland Browns and other teams in our division.  It was really the only sport we followed religiously.  It seems my fathers interest in soccer waned a bit after moving to the US...or maybe it was just that we really didn't have a competitive team to follow.  I do recall getting into indoor soccer a bit.  It was an MISL league and the local team was the Cleveland Force.  The big star on the team was Kai Haaskivi.  That's all I remember.  That league eventually folded.

The question is, why is soccer so incredibly popular world-wide yet in the US it comes in a far fourth place behind football, basketball, and baseball.  Some may say its economic...that youth don't aspire to play soccer because there is not much money to be made as a professional here in the US vs the other major sports.  It's also likely that its so much more popular elsewhere because many other countries do not have the other sports that we do here.  It's an interesting sports phenomenon really, one that I believe is and will continue to change.

Soccer is increasing in popularity.  There is a push in our country to get our youth to begin to play the sport year round to start creating a talent pool for international events such as the World Cup.  I feel very certain that the US will continue to put a more competitive soccer product on the field as the years pass and in subsequent World Cup Championships. 

I thoroughly enjoyed watching the US beat Ghana yesterday.  It was a thrilling experience.  I will watch again as the US takes on Portugal next and beyond.  It would be a great thing for the sports popularity if the US can make it to the next round.  Watching the World Cup has an Olympics type feel in my opinion and makes me feel very nationalistic.  It is likely though, that I will not watch soccer again once this tournament ends and won't pick it up again until 2018. 

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