Thursday, July 10, 2014

Where is Lebron James Going?

Being a sports fan, you cannot ignore what has been the top story for the last week or two.  Lebron James, the prodigal son of Cleveland and the Cavaliers NBA basketball team, opted out of his contract with the Miami Heat, making him a free-agent, and clearing the path for him to move to another team, and/or back home to where he is from.

While I am a football fan first, baseball comes second, with basketball being in third place.  Odd because of these three sports, I played basketball the most as a kid.  Over the past 5 - 7 years though, I have become more and more a general sports fan, following sporting news throughout the year, no matter what the season.  I have even been following the World Cup as US soccer's popularity has been growing.

I, like Lebron James, am from Cleveland.  I left in 1990 to go away to college.  After college, my company moved me to Arizona for work, where I have remained.  Going back to Cleveland has its allure, as it is where I grew up.  I'm different than Lebron James, however, in that I have been removed from Cleveland for 24 years.  Lebron has only been gone 4 years.  He went to Miami, won a bunch of games with his friends, but now appears to want to go home.  Of course I would have preferred he come to Arizona like I did and join the Phoenix Suns, but that looks highly unlikely, so I am over that.

I was not all bitter when he left Cleveland in 2010 as I wasn't following Cleveland Cavs basketball very closely.  I understand why fans were so upset.  Cleveland has been scorned by all the major sports over the decades, much of which I experienced with the Browns and Indians.  Now, I really do hope he goes home and gives Cleveland its first major sports championship in forever.  I'll be disappointed if he stays in Miami.  I'm kind of sick of them being in the NBA Finals every was kind of nice to see San Antonio whoop their butts this year.

Lebron James is the best basketball player in the world and will likely go down in history as one of the best to ever play the game.  It would be poetic for him to return home, as the prodigal son did, to his roots, where he belongs, and give his and my hometown what they have yearned for for so many decades, a Championship.

Go Home Lebron!

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