Wednesday, June 18, 2014

15 Keys to Success

Any true professional in any industry MUST, as a matter of habit, continue to educate themselves in an effort improve their craft and maintain a competitive advantage in their respective business.  We should never stop learning.  We can always get better and improve in all area's of life.  Life is a continuous classroom.  We should strive to be the best that we can be in all facets of our lives, personally and professionally.  

This morning was spent doing just that - I attended a seminar at the Arizona School of Real Estate and Business in Scottsdale entitled '15 Keys to Success - Any Market, Any Time, Any Where'.  The seminar was given by P.R. Randy Cooney, a Realtor, author, and excellent educator and trainer.  The course was geared of course towards real estate but much of what was taught can be applied to most any discipline.  I will attempt to convey some of what I learned here although I would highly suggest seeking out any of Randy's courses - he is amazing.  Oh by the way, that's #15 - that I am amazing.  Randy said so ;)

#1 - Mindset.  The mind is a powerful thing.  My mother always said if you put your mind to something, you can achieve whatever it is that you wish to achieve.  We have the ability and can make the choice to do whatever it is that we want to do.  Never give up - always find a way.  We also discussed the 80/20 principle, a common theory in sales - that 20% do 80% of the business and 80% do 20% of the business.  There are entire books written on this accurate principle.

#2 - Accountability - Always be accountable for your actions.  A couple theories that we discussed and you should research are The Hawthorne Study and The 4-1-1 Tool.  We also discussed the value of having a Team, a Mentor, a Partner, and a Coach.

#3 - The Business of Business - This principle basically lays out what we need to do each and every day to be successful.  Planning out our day - which reminds me of the old adage 'if you fail to plan, then plan to fail'.

#4 - Ability to Connect - we talked at length about how to connect with other people.  That people enjoy talking about themselves so get them to do so.  Make people feel important.

#5 - Finding the motivation - creating urgency in your clients was the basis of this principle.  We discussed specific ways in which you can create this urgency in your clients to either buy or sell.

#6 - The Art of Pricing - (Positioning) this is essential for the sale of any product, but we as Realtors actually influence price significantly by providing data to our buying or selling clients in an effort to assist them in the best pricing within the specific market in which they are active.  

#7 - Master the market of the moment - the key here is to know your market and its conditions so that you can take advantage of the stronger area's of your current market, ie pent up sellers, foreign buyers, boomerang buyers, investors, etc.

#8 - Bullet Proof the Transaction - the real estate transaction can be very complicated, or it can be very simple.  Be prepared to handle any obstacles that can, and will, come your way, ie inspections issues, appraisals, etc.

#9 - Ask Yourself what's Holding you back - Interesting key here...we discussed the theory of the 4 addictions that restrain us: 1.  Addicted to the opinion of others.  2. Addicted to the past.  3. Addicted to worry.  4. Addicted to drama.

#10 - Pursue Knowledge - self explanatory.  Learn to Earn.

#11 - Be a finisher - Never quit!  (Love this one). 

#12 - Transfer Fear to Fire - convert your fears, whatever they may be that are holding you back from succeeding, and convert them into fire in your eyes, or the drive and ambition to push forward and be successful.

#13 - Life offers up Pain - However you get to choose:  Either the pain of regret or the pain of discipline.  SO very true.  One of my favorite keys on the list.

#14 - The Big Why - Answer the question 'what is your life's purposes, why are you here.' 

Finally, #15 which was already revealed above, is that we are all amazing.  We all have the ability to do whatever it is that we want to do and we all have the ability to be great. 

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