Friday, April 11, 2014

Draft Day with Kevin Costner Movie Review

Movie reviews will not be a common topic for my blog as I rarely go to movie theaters and I rarely watch films.  This film however, was greatly anticipated by myself the football fan and my son the fan and athlete.  So, we carved out a few hours on a Friday night for dinner and a movie together...quality time.  :)

Now, to the film itself.  Very well done.  It was interesting, insightful, suspenseful, and all around entertaining.  Kevin Costner, as we all know, is an amazing actor.  I have many favorite films with him as the lead.  I would even dare to say that even the non-sports fan will enjoy this film as there are several complex storylines going on throughout the film that have nothing to do with football.  Jennifer Garner is good, not great.  The rest of the supporting cast also did well.

The nuts and bolts of the film are this...Kevin Costner plays the General Manager of the struggling (so true) franchise of the Cleveland Browns.  The story basically takes place on the first day of the NFL draft and entails approximately 12-14 hours of that actual day.  For me personally, having grown up in Cleveland as a Browns fan, seeing some of the neighborhoods that I knew in the film was very cool.  In one scene, Sonny Weaver (Kevin Costner), is driving down Lorain Ave just up the street from the West Side Market at 25th & Lorain, an iconic Cleveland location.  That market, and that street, are right up the road from where I attended high school at St Ignatius.  As far as I can tell from the film, Sonny lives in or around the Flats of downtown Cleveland. 

Without giving too much away....The movie goes thru the draft process for the Browns, negotiations occur with other teams, there are confrontations with the coaching staff, all the while an underlying romantic story occurs, along with some family struggles thrown in as well.  Like I said, several complex storylines occurring all at once.

I rate it 4 out of 5 stars - I loved it!  Go see it!  Below is the link to watch trailers if you like doing that - I prefer to see films without knowing too much about them myself, but the below website is also helpful in locating movie theaters, show times and purchasing tickets online as well.

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