Tuesday, April 1, 2014


noun: perspective

a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.
"most guidebook history is written from the editor's perspective"
"her perspective on things had changed"
  • true understanding of the relative importance of things; a sense of proportion.
"we must keep a sense of perspective about what he's done"

Having 'perspective' is very important to living life correctly and with understanding, intelligence and fairness.  We need perspective to assist us in attempting to understand the many nuances of daily life as well as in basic decision making.

I recently created a business partnership with a Realtor friend of mine that I have worked with in the past.  We work very well together and bring unique and special skills to the table.  We both have extensive real estate backgrounds and have many varied experiences from which to draw which benefits us greatly when dealing with our client's real estate transactions.  

We named our new partnership 'The Best Perspective Team' because it defines very well who we are and what we offer our clients.  

I'll let my partner brag about her background in her own blog that I am helping her start tomorrow as a matter of fact.

As for myself, I have worked in so many different area's of real estate over the course of my career.  I started in Property Management, then Project Management, Corporate Relocation, Real Estate Development, Financial Services, and Appraisal.  All the while, I have been involved in the sales transaction business as a Realtor.  I very much enjoy the 'deal' if you will as well as helping my clients buy or sell their home.  Although I don't want difficult transactions, I have found that I excel at solving problems, making things happen, getting all parties together, and getting deals closed.  

From a market standpoint, being a Certified Residential Appraiser gives me incredible insight (perspective) on a day to day basis, of what is happening in the local marketplace.  I have my finger on the pulse of the residential real estate market which translates into understanding 'value' thereby transitioning this understanding to providing my real estate clients with unparalleled 'service' and 'knowledge' which, simply put, gives them a level of comfort that they are in-fact getting the most for their money and/or are getting the best deal.  This goes for buyers as well as sellers.  Knowledge (and perspective) is power. 

Hence, The Best Perspective Team.

I love what I do so I intend to share, from time to time, on this blog, some of my professional experiences, so please check back often to read some of my stories.

Andrew Ament, Realtor, Certified Residential Appraiser



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