Sunday, March 30, 2014


I have been blessed and fortunate to have traveled extensively in my almost 42 years on this earth.  It's something that I love to do (who doesn't).  It was always important to my Mom growing up to try and have a family vacation every few years.  We didn't have a lot of money, but she always found a way to create a memorable trip, either by car or by air, to somewhere within the US or even oversees. 

Both of my parents were born in Europe so my sister and I are both first generation Americans.  Our first family trip was back to Hungary and Germany to visit relatives when I was four and my sister was seven years of age.  I actually remember quite a bit from that trip.  Over the course of my childhood, we also visited Washington DC and Virginia, the Boston Area and Cape Cod, Hawaii, Florida a couple times, Niagara Falls, NY, and Toronto, Canada. 

When I went away to college, I continued my travels to Florida and the Bahamas for several spring break expeditions, Chicago, Minneapolis, another month long journey to Europe to visit relatives in Germany and Hungary, but also visited, Austria, Italy, and Switzerland on that same trip, and one unforgettable road trip around the central/western US with a fraternity brother of mine where were covered 5000 miles in a week. 

As a result of that and other trips, I have been to 45 of the 50 states.  I have also been to Mexico several times, several Caribbean Islands including the Caymens and Roatan, Honduras, as well as Spain, Greece, Croatia, Turkey, and France.

It is a beautiful and amazing world out there...memories of each of the trips and destinations I mentioned evoke significant emotion.  I have to say it again...I feel so blessed and fortunate to have traveled like I have.  I recommend to anyone that has not had the opportunity or has not taken the time or opportunity to travel somewhere at sometime, please, make every effort to do so before it is too late.  Visiting other places and cultures opens your eyes to so much and has so many intangible positive affects. 

I plan to share more details about some of my travels in future posts, so please check back from time to time.

Andrew Ament, Realtor, Certified Residential Appraiser


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