Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Youth Baseball in Scottsdale

My son has been wanting to play baseball for a long time.  His first choice however has always been football.  He's been playing football for 5 years.  We always played both fall and winter football which always ended up conflicting with baseball.  Finally this past year we decided to do only fall football, and then sign up for baseball in the winter.  

As I write this blog, I am sitting at my son's baseball practice.  I searched the internet for Scottsdale youth baseball and found this great league called Old Scottsdale Youth Baseball.  Great people and coaches and a good league to start out even if your kid has never played baseball before.  My son loves it!  He's blessed with athletic skills - it has been interesting to see him apply his athletic skills, and intelligence, to a new sport.  He has always thrived in football, being the top scorer, rusher, tackler, etc.  So its fun to see him now play a new sport.  The coaches could not believe that he had never played baseball before...that was cool to hear.  I'm one proud father :)

Andrew Ament, Realtor, Certified Residential Appraiser

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