Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to easily fix your computer after getting a pop-up virus...

Twice in the past week I had people that work with me get a similar virus on their computers that virtually made them inoperable.  In both cases, the virus was inadvertently downloaded from what appeared to be a windows update from Microsoft.  The link, however, proceeded to download numerous programs that reeked havoc with their machines, slowing them down significantly with numerous pop-ups jumping around the screen.  Very frustrating indeed - but there is a simply solution to fix this particular type of problem.

Follow these steps in order:

1. Go to START


3. Then to PROGRAMS


This will bring up all of the software programs installed on your machine.  At the top, sort these programs by their 'Installed' date, with the most recent dates on top.

You will likely see a multitude of programs that you do not recognize that were all installed on the same day you 'downloaded' the so-called 'update'.  There can be as many as 8-12 different programs.

Simply go down and uninstall each of them one by one.  If your not sure whether you should uninstall one or several of them, you can always google the name of the program to get more information, but if you have the virus I described, it is likely that you will need to uninstall all of those programs that were installed on your computer on that same (and recent) day.

Once finished, restart your computer and everything should be working properly.  If there are still some pop-ups, go back and repeat the above steps to make sure you did not miss any of the garbage programs that were installed.

Andrew Ament, Realtor, Certified Residential Appraiser
www.thescottsdalerealestateguy.com (coming soon!)

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