Sunday, March 16, 2014

There is a first time for everything...

And this is my first time blogging!  Ever!  I had no idea what value it could bring to my business until recently.  Its a powerful tool I understand.  I also understand that its a tool that needs to be used regularly otherwise its intended consequences will not come to fruition.  I am rather excited about it for several reasons:

1.  I actually enjoy writing and composition

2.  I am fairly good at it

3.  It can help me grow my business

So, why not?  It seems like a no-brainer.  The primary challenge will clearly be getting into the habit of consistently adding content...and taking the time to do so.

I'm always up for a new challenge!

Welcome to my new blog.

Andrew Ament, Realtor, Certified Residential Appraiser (coming soon!)


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